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Amiga HTML Authoring Software

OK. You've decided it is time to create the definitive Web Site - the best site that people have ever seen in their entire lives. However, there is just one minor detail - how do you actually create the pages?
This section is devoted to answering part of that question, by providing information on as many of the Amiga HTML authoring packages as possible.

Before I list the packages, I want to point out that there is no such thing as a WYSIWYG HTML editor - not for the Amiga, nor for any platform.

HTML is a content-markup language, designed to be rendered on a very wide range of devices, from 1600x1200 24-bit workstations, through 800x600 256 colour systems, to monotype teletype machines, to braille devices, to text-to-speech devices, and several which no-one as even conceived yet - so there is no way that HMTL can be WYSIWYG! As long as you bear that in mind if you are using a Visual HTML editor, then you won't go far wrong...

HTML Editors
Editor Price Minimum Requirements Comment
OS RAM Other
AWebEd £10 (shareware) OS3.x 2 Meg AWeb This is mainly designed to be used with AWeb, which it uses to preview your pages. It consists of its own editor with HTML inserted by double-clicking on the relevant HTML buttons. It includes considerable on-line documentation, including documentation on each of the HTML buttons available.
WWW Publishing Extention for GoldEd Free     GoldEd 4 The WWW Publishing Extention adds two toolbars plus a menu entry to GoldEd, which significantly simplify the addition of HTML entities (e.g. you can drag-select a word or block of words, then with one click turn them into a heading, or turn them into a link, etc). (Screenshot)
HTML Heaven Free with AWeb-II       This is a suite of 6 programs which interface with a wide range of text editors via AREXX. It is designed to speed up and simplify the creation of HTML, and (again via AREXX) uses your favourite web borwser to display the HTML you have created, offering a graphical preview at teh click of a button.
hsc Free     "make" utility HSC is unlike any other HMTL editor. It is conceptually closer to a "compiler", in that it allows you to create a "makefile" which contains details of all your pages (and any dependancies), and will "recompile"as necessary, all automatically. It allows you to create very powerful macros, greatly simplifying creation and control of multiple pages.
US$25 (shareware) OS3.0 4M MUI 3.7 This is a drag'n'drop based graphical HTML editor. It requires no knowledge of HTML; instead, it operates more like a text publisher, hiding the raw HTML from you.
MetalWeb is probably the most powerful "WYSIWYH" HTML editor available for the Amiga.
MWM US$25 (Shareware)        
Web Constructor (currently Beta) £22 (Shareware)     MUI 3.8 This WYWIWYG-based HTML creation suite includes tools to help creation of tables and JavaScript, as well as full HTML4.0 support.
Also included is the ability to edit your pages directly on your web site (accessing transparently via FTP).
Includes both a Preview window to get an impression of how the HTML will look, and linking directly to your web browser for full viewing of the pages.
Presently in Beta.
Web Design US$25 (Shareware)        
Web Factory Free        
Web Maker Up to you (Shareware)     MUI 3.1  
Web Plug US$10 (Shareware)     MUI 3.2 As the Web Plug website explains, webPlug is an HTML editor for the Amiga.. Basically, is a text editor with lots of HTML specific features that helps you when creating your web sites. It makes use of datatypes to allow viewing of all types of images. Web Plug makes use of any Amiga browser, so that you can view the resulting HTML in your favourite browser (or in different browsers, to check compatability).
Also available by the same author is an Image Map creation utility, Map Plug
That covers the HTML editors of which I am aware. However, there seem to be a growing number of these around, so I may well have missed some.
If you have got any information, suggestionsor recommendations for HTML authoring packages on the Amiga which I have accidentally missed out from here, or you are the author of such a package, then please drop me a line on HTML_Authoring@amiga.u-net.com - many thanks.

[ Valid HTML4.0 ] This page is copyright © Keith Blakemore-Noble , 1997, 1998 , all rights reserved. For comments or questions about this page, please EMail WebMaster@BuiltWithAmiga.org. This page was last updated on August 11, 1998 .
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